Saturday, November 5, 2011


Yesterday I had a band practice for a certain event. A beginner, Amy is the drummer in the band and incidentally my second apprentice. Since she never had proper musical training, obviously music-related skills do not come to her as naturally as they to me. I'll explain. When she plays the drums while following the music and singing along, she somehow cannot play according to the beat and right timing; she just goes off. Therefore I suggested that she counts while playing and do not follow the music, and then she gets the beat right. It is ironic because as a member of the band, one should be following the music and song but Amy has to deliberately block out the music she is listening to and focus solely on counting so that the drums go according to beat. And it works! Of course this does not mean she does not listen to the music at all now that she is improving, but when it comes to more complicated parts of the song she still has to rely on counting and ignoring the sounds. It is a guarantee for her to play perfectly.

In day to day living, I find myself like her now and again. I find myself in the midst of thorns, being choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures (Luke 8:14). I know to live right, I have to ignore what is happening in the world around me and follow the principles I hold. Once I follow or entertain what is happening in my surroundings, I go off track and end up wasting time instead of doing what I should. I go off beat. Only when I isolate myself and stick to my principles will I be able to play according to beat - God's beat that is. To hear the word, retain it and by persevering produce a crop (Luke 8:15) are what I want to do. And it is no wonder that the word 'persevering' was used. Here's one definition of persevere: to maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly.

So just as counting ensures accuracy in timing and beat of drums, the Word of God, the Bible containing God's commandments and instructions is what guarantees perfect and right living. Living in a world where you can see, hear and be influenced by everything around you, yet trying to set yourself apart or 'block out the noise' proves difficult, no doubt. But to persevere means much, and that with the strength God provides.

"I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me for their own good and the good of their children after them."

~ Jeremiah 32:39 [NIV]

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Can do

First thing that came to mind when I woke up this morning.

When it comes to the most important things in life, you are always presented with the choice of choosing to or not to. By most important things, I mean time, health, character to name a few.

Speaking from a student's perspective, there are so many things to juggle in a day such that sometimes, or rather most of the time 24 hours a day is just not enough. Yet 24 hours it will be, that will never change. And so prioritizing and putting first things first comes into play. We know that studies are supposed to be the top priority, yet fun and exciting activities seem to get in the way all the time and we end up playing and find we lack time to study. But wait, you have the option of pushing away those activities. You can actually choose to spend time studying. It might not be the most exciting thing to do, but it is the wiser. You can also choose to use your recreational time wisely by doing things that are productive and would be of use in the future.

Unpalatable (so to speak) vegetables or delicious fast food? White rice or brown rice? Bland chicken meat or tasty processed sausages? Sleeping early or in the wee hours of the morning going online and phone texting? Again, it all boils down to what you would choose in the end. Very easy to take the more appealing option, yet the choice of choosing the healthier option remains.

When everyone else around you is swearing, cursing, mocking; drinking, smoking or clubbing; cheating, deceiving, betraying, gossiping; quarreling, fighting, rebelling; robbing, destroying and vandalizing, it is easy to follow the crowd. But when everyone is flirting, you can choose to be set apart; in the midst of cheaters, to be trustworthy and righteous; while people are gossiping, to not participate in it; in the middle of a fight, to not retaliate and walk away; when persecuted and insulted, to remain calm, cool and controlled. Standing your ground when 'everyone else is doing it'.

The catch is, there is a difference between merely saying and choosing. One could say, 'I will clock in 3 hours of study today' or 'I will sleep by 11PM' and not do what they mentioned. Most of the time they say such things because they have the desire and will to do something, but somehow lack the final step in realizing it. Choosing however differs in a sense it is the combination of both desiring and acting on it. For instance in a chess game your opponent asks you 'black or white?', and you say 'white' because you decide to choose it, obviously you would not then proceed to arrange the black chess pieces on your side. Once you have chosen white, you would play with white. When you choose something, the action definitely follows through.

So the next time you know you need to study, do not say 'I will/must study afterwards'. In this case, words do not mean anything. Instead, quietly make the decision in your heart 'I choose to study later'. And remember, after choosing it is a done deal.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Matthew 16:24-28
24 Then Jesus said to the disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and follow me.
25 If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me, you will find true life.
26 And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul in the process? Is anything worth more than your soul?
27 For I, the Son of Man will come in the glory of my Father with his angels and will judge all people according to their deeds.
28 And I assure you that some of you standing here right now will not die before you see me, the Son of Man, coming in my Kingdom."


Thursday, July 14, 2011


(All verses quoted are in the New International Version)

"Break the arm of the wicked and evil man; call him to account for his wickedness that would not be found out."

~Psalm 10:15
The ugliness and stains confessed and acknowledged. Called to account. Reduced to pieces and fragments. Fulfilled.

"From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."

~Acts 17:26
The precise times and location. The 21st century, in a city; institutions in which sick or injured persons are given medical or surgical treatment abound.

The Word was fulfilled in its entirety, and despite so there remained a shimmer of hope. To have it planned out so as to produce the possibility of making the shattered united in one piece once more and consequently turning it into reality very much resembles something He did before; the crucifixion. As man sinned and brought about his only fate, death, He familiarly created an alternative course for the inevitable retribution of mankind's unfaithfulness. Both non-fiction circumstances mentioned were dealt with justly, yet the very culprits were enabled to live on- the price they had to pay already being paid for. And yet, He holds true to and accomplishes the Word without exception whatsoever. His plans are not concealed; His Word has endured and remained throughout history, and will remain. The Word is the absolute truth, is absolute perfection and wisdom, will absolutely come to pass.

"And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times."

~Psalm 12:6

In shrewdness, every time He was forced to display wrath, execute punishment and bring about destruction in serving justice, He already had mapped out the escape route- an escape route which in fact does not involve contradiction or compromise of the perfect standards and godly values- even the Word. The result of His skilful mastery.


In way, in word, in Him,
He is.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A matter of respect

In a math question, there's right and wrong. One plus one equals two. If anyone says otherwise he would be wrong. In yes or no quizzes or exams, there's right and wrong. It's only so that it would be possible for the exam-taker to be graded. In any of the above scenarios, we are expected to choose the right answers. Only then would it be possible for anyone to do well in life. But of course, when it comes to more complex matters you would be required to explain your answer. Explanation, together with the right answer, equals full marks.

In life, there's right and wrong. Yes, we would all like to choose the right answer. However, what is considered right is relatively, relative. Your friend might think what he is doing is right, and you would beg to differ. So, this can be categorized under 'complex matters' - explanation is now required; for justification, to determine which right is, in fact, right. In the event that you are right, and your friend is wrong, well, good for you. With your right answer you hammer and assault your friend with clever and intellectual answers, leaving him no place to take shelter or refuge. He's wrong, and that's that. I give the right answer, and a flawless explanation is the icing on the cake. Full marks I get. Well, not quite.

You see, interaction with people is different. People have feelings, emotions. They have dignity and a sense of self-worth. Being humans, none of us would like our feelings and reputations to be trampled on, even when we're in the wrong. And so life differs from examinations on paper. Empathy, compassion and mercy are required. I have found communication skills with other people so important that it is certainly regretful how they are not included in a student's academic syllabus, at least not in Malaysia. Instead, knowledge about most things that people wouldn't use or even remember in life (namely history and additional mathematics, no offense) are implemented.

Tactfulness is in many ways key. There are so many ways in conveying a message, but how do the ways differ from each other? How is it that the outcome of them would differ to such a great extent? To express exactly what you feel to another person, yet delicately taking his emotions and feelings into consideration and not ruining his image whilst expressing, is a skill that I believe needs to be learnt. Once acquired, things would flow much more smoothly; unnecessary and unhelpful dissension and strife are profitably bypassed. And guess what? It doesn't really matter if you're right or wrong, unless the gravity of the situation is indeed exceptionally grave so that it would matter if you're right or wrong, which is highly unlikely in most cases. What matters most is how other human beings like ourselves would feel in the end. A self-absorbed person would think of this as a nuisance. It takes sincerely putting yourself in someone's shoes to recognize that how another feels is equally as important as how you would yourself feel. If the other party is being unreasonable, you'd need that skill- to correct him of his error and protect his pride simultaneously in spectacular fashion.
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

~Proverbs 15:1 [NIV]
May God give us the grace to behave only in the way the former of the sentence describes.

P.S. Windjammer, this is what you taught me. Thanks. ;)

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Last night in the cell group meeting I was attending, the main topic of the day was "Remembering your First Love", talking about how we should remember our first encounter with Jesus, because that is a good reminder of why we do what we do for God. A brother in Christ added that that alone was not enough; we should have frequent encounters with Jesus; every week, every day, every hour. Those encounters would boost, energize and fire you up to face any challenge at all just when you feel like everything's crumbling down and you're on the verge of giving up.

Interestingly enough, after I got back home I went online and chatted with a friend of mine for awhile via MSN messenger. She was my former classmate during secondary school. What I could say about her? She was terribly fierce, rough, rude where she blindly swore all the time. She seemed pretty hopeless in the academic field as well; sleeping in class being her usual routine, she would fail one or two subjects for every exam or test. Recently, we met up with a bunch of other classmates, where I learned she had actually turned over a new leaf and had been hardworking; something was definitely up. In the conversation window there was a link to her latest blog and instinctively I clicked on it. I went on to read her recent blog posts and I started to notice through her various entries that she was indeed a different person altogether. I felt even more so when I saw links to Christian music and scripture verses there! With all these I for a moment doubted if I was reading her blog; I thought it might have been someone else's! It was obvious that she was already a committed Christian. Curiosity most surely got the better of me and I asked her when did she become a Christian. With that, she told her story of how she in April this year accepted Christ, how she had come to believe in our awesome God and changed so much for the better, so much so that now she had enough control of herself not to swear whenever she was going to! Not to mention her drastic improvement in her studies was a direct result of her faith in Christ! I was baffled and could not say much to her, in awe of what had happened to her. I truly felt joy in my heart. Just amazing. She had never been the same since. I honestly hope that she'd always be the way she is now for the rest of her life.

Before I went to sleep that night I connected the two happenings; there we were as a cell group talking about first encounters with God, and this friend of mine actually told me her very first encounter with God, which inevitably changed her life. Encounters with God are refreshing, encouraging, even life-changing. The question is, how? Do we have to wait for God to come? Do we have to atone for the sins that we committed before we can encounter Him? Is it that certain events must take place first, or we have to be in a particular circumstance or be holy to be able to encounter God? The answer to my raving in the form of all those questions is, no.
The amazing testimony of my friend who gave her life to Jesus recently; indeed she experienced freedom, blessings and many other good things that God has given. It was through her encounter with God that she is a changed person. But, what enabled that encounter? It was because of her decision and the step of faith that she chose to take. It was because she finally faced the truth and invited God into her life, and subsequently allowed the Holy Spirit to fill her. The moment she received, God's blessings snowballed into her life.

During Jesus' time, He invited many people to follow Him. Did all of them do as they were told? Apparently not. Remember the rich young man in Matthew 19:16? The last words Jesus said to him were, "Then come, follow me." after telling him to sell all of his possessions leaving him penniless, of course. The young man went away sad, according to Matthew's gospel, and there was no mention of him ever again. He chose to return to his own life of wealth. He chose to reject Jesus. And Jesus didn't beg him to come back. Jesus just let him leave, as God has graciously given us the liberty to make our own choices and decisions. On the other hand, when Jesus called James and John to be his disciples, Mark 1:20 says they left their poor father in the boat and followed Jesus! Whatever convictions or reasons they had, they chose to follow Jesus. They eventually became two of the twelve disciples and had literal encounters with Jesus all throughout the lifetime of Jesus.

There is a chinese saying '万事具备,只欠东风' which when translated sounds something like 'Everything is in place and ready, what's left is the east wind'. In ancient times people made preparations in order to set sail, but without the wind large ships could go nowhere. They needed the strong east wind for setting sail to be a reality. It is the same with encountering God. God has already planned everything so perfectly that in every circumstance, it is possible to encounter God.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

~John 3:16 [NIV]
Notice the word 'gave'. The Bible doesn't say 'For God so loved the world that He is going to give His Son.' No. Jesus Christ, the only Son of God had already died on the cross; our sins have already been atoned for. By His blood, we are cleansed of our iniquities and transgressions. It is done. Everything is already prepared. Why, Jesus stands right at the door!
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."

~Revelations 3:20 [NIV]
Just as Jesus called the people of His time, He still calls us today. Well, if you want to you can choose to ignore him and leave the door shut. Or, you can open the door, invite Him in and have fellowship with Him as fellowship while eating. Are you willing to open the door? To let the Holy Spirit into your life? To love God and obey His commands? To allow God to use you? Are you willing to have an encounter with God? Because Jesus is already at the door. For those of you who have not accepted Christ, no one is stopping you except you. If you're thinking parents are an obstacle or this is not the right time, think again, because Jesus said 'follow me'; that's it. As Jesus has taken away your sins, all that's left for you is to believe (John 3:16). Just take that step of faith, and you will never regret encountering God. And for Christians, the same applies. Nothing or no one is stopping you from encountering God except you. Since the Word is God, you can encounter God daily by reading His word. You also can fellowship with Him daily through prayer. All you have to do is allow the Holy Spirit to work in you, and, like my friend, you'd never be the same again.

You are that east wind. The choice is yours, really. It all depends on you.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


One night at approximately 11:35 PM, things run as usual in a hypothetical family: the 2 elder brothers are watching their laptops enjoying a certain anime, their younger sister already in pyjamas and all prepared to go to bed as she has school the next day, their father watching some random television program waiting for the midnight news and their mother ironing clothes. And then a massive power failure occurs: the sounds of laughter from the laptop, the noise from the television, the whirring of the fan, and everything else collapses abruptly- utter silence suddenly strikes the house. Simultaneously at that moment of time, the house experiences absolute darkness. The whole neighbourhood, for the matter. All sight and hearing stops. It almost tastes like death.

In fact, the blackout not only extinguishes all visible light, it halts practically all of the activities in the mentioned home: the TV's out, so are the plugged-in laptops, the iron, the A/Cs, the fans and fluorescent & night light bulbs, the pump in the aquarium, the fridge- everything. To top all of that, since midnight's just around the corner, the pitch-black surroundings gives all of them a taste of what it's like to be blind. Their sense of sight is taken away from them whether they're ready for it or not.

That's not all. As time progresses, the heat starts to take a toll on them, who've been enjoying years of the A/C and fans' taken for granted services. They are perspiring profusely for the first time in a decade. In such an undesired situation, they cannot do anything, since everything seemed to require electrical supply. Trying to sleep is a terrible torture, with sweat rolling down every part of their bodies. For you smart alecs out there, it so happened that the family did not have back-up generators. Under such a circumstance, one of them has to feel his way through to the cabinet which contained candles and a lighter, and when a single candle is lit, the whole house is illuminated to a great extent, exaggerated by the fact that it was pitch-black before.

In the aforementioned setting, the source of power was electricity. Similarly in most houses today, it is the same. Electricity runs everything; it enables most, if not all activities in the house to be carried out. Viewing our lives, God is that source of power. God enables everything in our lives to run- and run smoothly, be it our school, work, relationships or finance. Being the source, He gives us the energy, strength, power, skills and talents to do the things we do each day- for His glory. Yet, we do not always do things to glorify His name; most of the time in fact, we abuse what we have received for personal gains and pleasure. This of course grieves God. However, He who possesses the power to give, possesses the power to take away also; at any time at all, without warning, as He pleases. When that happens, it would be very much like experiencing a blackout, where everything stops abruptly. We lose our jobs, relations with others are severed, etc. and that might or might not taste like death. With our eyes veiled by darkness, we cannot see a thing, and fumble in the darkness. With no where else to turn to, we finally turn to Jesus, to God and cry out to Him. We finally pray after a decade of self-sufficiency. With a broken and repentant heart, we allow the Holy Spirit to fill our lives again, and let God take the wheel. We would be in the process of lighting up the candle. Then, Jesus would be like that freshly lit candle, illuminating our lives so brightly so that we might see again. This time however, we do not see the materials and objects of this world, but we view the eternal glory that He has promised to all who would love and obey His commands. We would no longer be caught up with the bustling and busy, yet meaningless activities of this world. We would do everything unto the glory of God. This would most definitely require a change of heart.

Remember, God is the source of our lives, of our very beings. Let us learn how to understand, appreciate and cherish that fact. Let us use our lives to glorify and please Him, because when we do so, we can be assured of no blackouts; only an everlasting light.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

~John 15:5 [NIV]

Monday, June 20, 2011


【摘自南洋商报,《百字专栏》- 陈强华】

For the benefit of the non-chinese speaking/reading readers, here's the (pretty literal, but I've tried my best) translation, in English:
"Use your heart a little more; add a little more wisdom; notice the feeling of others a little more; observe whatever is happening to people around you a little more; at the right time, express your concern and sympathy; these are not only deemed the most noble characters, but a type of care and concern that makes people joyous and delighted; an unforgettable gentleness. Showing consideration puts a person at ease."
[Excerpted from an article in the NanYang SiangPau newspaper]

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Have you ever pondered on what might virtually be the root cause of unhappiness in your life?

Many things contribute to unhappiness- financial issues, relational problems, quarrels, disappointing outcomes. One would have this feeling that is very hard to swallow when he is dissatisfied or sad. And that is rendered natural. But, digging deeper, what contributes to that sadness? What exactly, drains oneself of peace and harmony? Is it because of what happened? Or the implication of it?

You might not be getting my point, which I do not expect you to, as of now. Giving examples and analogies are still one of the best ways in breaking down and making clear of a subject to a targeted individual, which happens to be you, the reader. So let's view an example, shall we? 2 lovely 5-year-old girls are playing together with say, dolls. A particular doll catches both their eyes, and both want to have it. Being only children, they've probably never come across the words 'compromise' or 'negotiate' and none of them is willing to give it up. Then things start to get ugly. From pulling each other's hair to landing mighty punches, it seems the girls have transformed into monsters. Not-so-innocent feelings such as bitterness, anger and rage explode into the scene. My question: Why? One might answer, because they didn't get what they wanted. Being fussy here, I wouldn't settle with that slightly inaccurate answer. Yes, they didn't have their way, and they weren't happy. But having one's way means satisfying self. Me. "I want to play with the doll so that I can satisfy myself, so that I can have fun. The priority is me and since there's only one doll, I will have it first and I don't care about what you think or feel." Notice the number of 'I's, 'Me's and 'myself's, with only one 'you' word. The answer? Selfishness.

A great guitarist is encouraged by family and friends to join a talent-time competition. By all means, he stands every chance to make it to the top 3, with the ripping guitar skills that he has. Yet he's having doubts about it. He's worried if there are people out there who're better than he, though they are in fact way out of his league. He's fearful he would make a mistake while playing. Still, he wants to join the competition because he simply has the interest. This becomes a big problem to him- when there is none to begin with! He worries all night and is down because he cannot make up his mind. Why? Because if his 'worst nightmares' came true - If there are people better than him or he makes a mistake while playing - his reputation would be at stake. He would have destroyed his own image in front of the crowd if he lost the competition. He would have essentially hurt himself. Since that possibility exists, he'd rather not take it. I mean, one can never put oneself at risk can he? By oneself I do not exactly mean one's life, but his ego, pride, self-image, etc.

How do you think Satan became Satan? Already in a highly respectable position as archangel, he was not satisfied. He was so self-centered and so full of himself that there was no room for God inside him any longer. God, who created him, was insignificant compared to himself. Only by being God himself would Lucifer be slaked of his monstrous selfish desires. He felt that only then could his self be exalted to the highest degree possible. He was thrown down to Hades.

Last example. Guess who? Me. No it's not a joke. Me, the writer. What happened? Well, it is quite apparent that I have not typed in a long time, and I didn't type as smoothly as I used to. I was struggling for words and flow, and I was getting frustrated. And then I thought, why was it that I'm feeling agitated? And the answer was right in front of me- the big title of this post. I will be very frank with you. I was actually pursuing a flamboyant style of writing with impressive vocabulary. For what? So that people would admire my piece of writing. For SELF.

Loving oneself is not wrong, it is the right thing to do. However, that can easily turn into selfishness, when we give attention to and care for nobody but ourselves. Through the above examples, we can see that selfishness leads to quarrels, arguments, fights, scarred relationships, low self-esteem, doubt, worry, fear, frustration, agitation, devastation, desolation, destruction. It even extends beyond that. The love of money is the root of all evil, they say. But why would people love money? To use that money to buy anything and everything for self-gratification. Therefore selfishness is how greed entered world's history as well. In fact, the saying mentioned above was inaccurate; the unhealthy excessive love of self is the root of all evil. As long as one is self-centered, evil is bound to lurk. Selfishness is the root of all evil.*

*After further consideration, the love of money is still a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10), reason being yes at first the pursuit of wealth is for self, but there's somehow a way things happen that in the end one gets enslaved by the love of money and is controlled by it, thus Matthew 6:24. In this case, the pursuit of money is no longer for self, but it has become one's master.

Let's face it. Let's face the ugly truth. We all know we are cruel, selfish people. Yes, even I, the writer, forgot about the essence of what I was writing when selfishness took over for that moment. But you know what? I will confront this ugly side of me. I am not going to hide or forget about it. After all, I typed this post for a purpose. To convey the important message to you(and me). That does not require bombastic words; simple English will do. The focus is definitely not on me. The focus is on you, getting the message. And if I can admit this flaw of mine and start changing myself, you can do the same.

But of course, we are definitely not alone. Thank God for Himself, the Holy Spirit and His ever-relevant Word! I would emphasize on relevant; believe it or not, the Word of God is especially relevant today! We had the 10 Commandments, but Jesus ingeniously yet at the same time precisely summarized them to 2. Take a look:
"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself.' "

~Matthew 22:37-39 [NIV]
When we start focusing our thoughts on something else, naturally we will think less of ourselves. And Jesus says the best things to occupy our minds with are God and our neighbours. To love both God and our neighbours, we place them above ourselves in terms of priority. As we serve them, we will find out there is so much more joy when we focus on others rather than ourselves. The following verses cannot make it any clearer to us:
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. "

~Philippians 2:3-4 [NIV]
I believe Paul wrote this because he knew that caring for others not only benefits them, it benefits ourselves even more! Give it a try where you are right now. Whenever you become angry or agitated, try tracing the source of it. Chances are it's your selfishness. Stop caring so much about yourself and start being in others shoes and caring for their welfare. Life will change for you. By transferring our thoughts and attention to others, we escape from the snare of selfishness, which would, trust me, save us so much trouble in life.


Lord, You know all thoughts; everything in my heart is laid bare before You. There's no point in trying to hide from You, and so I confess my sin of selfishness right now. Forgive me for being selfish according to Your grace and mercy, and rescue me from being self-centered to the point of no return. I commit and surrender myself wholly to You almighty, awesome God, my Lord and my Saviour. Use me for Your glory; all glory is Yours, and Yours alone. Amen.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life's good

  • It's good that I'm disturbed by the jarring construction sounds and noises while I try to get an afternoon nap; it shows my ears are sensitive and working.
  • It's good I'm eating such lousy food in a random restaurant; it shows my taste buds are functioning.
  • It's good the rubbish truck has to pass by my house when I'm home; it shows I can still smell.
  • It's good I feel the scorching heat of the sun while outside; it shows I have legs and am capable of even walking outside.
  • It's good I'm always being nagged and barked at by my parents; it shows they're still alive and well.
  • It's good I have to go through the hassle of combing my very messy hair each morning when I only have 3 minutes before I'm late for work; it shows I still have hair to comb.

Life is good. Thanks God for being so good to me!